I know, I know, I've not blogged in a while, but Mom and I have been very very busy getting ready to go to our big Scotty Rally in Pennsylvania. It takes a lot of work to get ready but it is a lot of fun.
Today is the 4th of July though and we live on Wall Lake. They have a boat parade and we headed - no make that waded - out the bogwalk to watch it. Frankly, it wasn't much to look at and I don't know that we'll wade out ever again to see it. Just a bunch of pontoon boats following each other and honking their horns and people yelling.
Speaking of wading. At the end of the week before last we had torrential rain storms and the swamp/bog flooded again. All the weight of the water on our shelter roof out on the lakeside deck crushed the steel framing. Oh no! We loved our shelter and now its a wreck.
Well, probably my last blog until I get back from the rally. I'll post some pics when I get back! Have a Happy Independence Day everyone and stay safe!
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