Today Mom took cousin Emily, cousin Jeremie and Aunt Julie from work to Shipshewana. Since Grandpa and Grandma are in South Carolina, I got to go too! YAY. Mom goes a lot and I never get to go with her. She always comes back with really cool stuff too so I really was looking forward to this trip. The first picture is me in the car. I got to ride on top of my heated car bankie so I stayed warm and comfy even though it was pouring rain all the way down. 3" of rain today! Then I found out why Mom doesn't usually let me come. Shopping is really boring. I got to sit on this bench in front of the store while we were waiting for everyone to come back so we could drive to the next store. Shipshewana is an Amish town in Indiana. We saw lots and lots of horses and buggys and wagons. Pretty neat but horses scare me. A LOT! It was all worth it though, because I got BACON. BACON BACON BACON! Yum-O - Amish bacon is the BEST! Next time I hope Grandpa and Grandma are home so I can hang out with them.
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