Mom bought me a new door! YAY. I had to jump really really high to see out the windows in our old door, but now I don't have to jump at all! The new door has windows that are all the way down by the floor. I will really like this new door.
Mom said she'll really like the new door too, because instead of barking when I "think" someone is here, I can run and look outside and see if anyone's here before I bark! Not that I bark a lot. Just sometimes. When I think someone is here...
Oliver likes the new door too. Now he can watch for our stray cat Buddy, who Mom has been feeding for the past year. Oliver doesn't like Buddy and Buddy doesn't like Oliver. He likes to come and sit outside the windows and watch Oliver because he knows Oliver can't get outside. Mom says he's tormenting Oliver. Just like the squirrels at Tahquamenon Falls Campground tormented me. I don't like squirrels. They're sassy-mouths.
We still have to finish the trim on the new door but its a job well done. We'd hoped to work on our Scotty this weekend, but that's probably not gonna happen.